Monday, April 11, 2011

Eyeballs and Crayon Cake Picture

It is almost embarrassing to have this blog. Now everyone knows how little I actually cook. Oh well. I told myself I would have this blog, so now I will keep it! I am trying to be determined.

I thought I would post 2 pictures of some of my more creative bakes. This first one is of my eyeballs I made for Halloween. The recipe is here. They are ridiculously delicious and rather time consuming. Fun though!!
This is a cake I helped my cousin Angela make for his birthday...2 (?) years ago. It was a lot of fun. A cake, some ice cream cones and lots of frosting :) Not really a recipe for this. Just lots of boredom and creativity.
If you like them, or have ideas or comments, please share below!! I love to read your comments!


  1. that's a ridiculously awesome birthday cake! i love it!

  2. Thanks! I think it's fun to do cool cakes. That one was a blast!!
